Space Shooter 2: Electric Boogaloo

… or maybe not. Actually, yesterday we decided that the name for our Space Shooter should be Candybones Carnival, which I really like.

For the artstyle of the game we decided on a paper cut out sort of look. I struggled a bit with it at the beginning, but I think I’m getting the hang of it!

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This is the first version of a background that I did. I never finished it because I quickly realized it didn’t look the way we wanted it to. It looks far too Swedish (or possibly like an American suburb). The artstyle is nowhere near paper cut out, either.

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Here I’ve made the house look more like the architecture typically seen in Mexico. I looked at some pictures of Mexican suburbs and they have very colorful houses! I’ll make another background later with another color scheme. I also changed the fence into a wall, because it fit the architecture better. Still nowhere near paper cut out, though.

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This is the version I’m working on now, and I really like it! I realized the lineart I typically use doesn’t work with the paper cut out style, so I scrapped that entirely. I added a drop shadow which gives a sense of depth and two textures to make it look more like paper. The bottom half looks a bit empty, but that’s where the game will actually take place so I don’t know if I should add something there or not? I also want to add more details to the background, but I’m not sure what. I also want to keep it from looking cluttered. And I have to see how much time I’ll have. Details are fun, but they’re a timesink.

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