Space Shooter

Today we had our first ”official” meeting as a team working on our Space Shooter project. It’s me, and five other people. The project is to design a space shooter around two words that were randomly chosen for us. The two words we got were Dia de los Muertos and snacks. The definition of space shooter is very loose here, basically it’s a 2D game without gravity and with some type of projectiles.

So far we’ve established the roles within the team; I will be the lead artist, which is awesome because Dia de los Muertos is a goldmine of fun, colorful designs. Today we’ve also talked about the very basics of the game, the target audience, mechanics and aesthetics and things like that.

spoopy skeleton kopiera

Skeleton dogs totally have ears.

In our game, you play as a skeleton trying to come back to life during the Dia de los Muertos festival. To do this, you must collect candy found through the stage. In real life, during the festival, people offer sweets and other food to the dead as a welcoming gesture. Some people believe that the dead eat the ”spiritual essence” of the food during the festival and that if they eat the real life food afterwards, it lacks nutritional value.

Other (un)dead try to stop you in their quests, stealing candy from you as they also want to become living again. To stop them, you can shoot them with candy using a blow pipe.

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