BGP week 4: phone menu

This week I’ve been working a bit with art instead of writing, which has been a nice change. We’re thinking of putting the game’s menu in Sam’s phone, which will always be available in the corner of the screen. From the menu, the player can travel, view their relationships with other characers and invite friends to go out with you. Another thing I personally would like to add is something like a diary or journal, where notes appear after events so that the player can keep track of what they have done and what effects it has. But we haven’t discussed that yet!

Here are some sketches I’ve done so far:

This week has been rough for personal reasons, so none of us has gotten much done unfortunately. But during Friday afternoon we had a playtesting session and it went well! We had a lot of people who came by and played Sam and Nicole, and we got lots of great feedback!


Can’t remember if I’ve written about this already, but we have created a blog for Sam and Nicole as well as a Facebook page!

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